Jordan Thurman

Existing Clients with an Appointment:Click to Check In

Wife, mother, social worker, board game enthusiast, Cricut engineer and shameless wannabe dancer.

Jordan tries to “keep it real and genuine” and enjoys a sense of humor. She is intentional in each session, modeling some of the skills she teaches. She is a can-do counselor, full of ideas and resources.

Jordan typically sees clients from ages 12 years through adulthood, through Telehealth and in-person counseling. Some of her favorite referrals include Trauma/EMDR, Perinatal Mental Health, LGBTQIA+, Depression/Anxiety.

Emily Neely

Existing Clients with an Appointment:Click to Check In

Mother, Golfer, Clinical Mental Health Counselor, Gardener, lover of Saint Bernards, thrift stores, and all things vintage.

Emily loves a challenge! She approaches therapy and her clients with enormous respect and honor for their expertise in their own lives. She believes in the power to heal through deep discussion and searching.

Emily works with clients 18 years of age and older. Some of her favorite referrals include Trauma/Complex Trauma, EMDR, Family of Origin Problems, Anxiety and Depression.

Cheryl B. Levine

Existing Clients with an Appointment:Click to Check In

Wife, mother, psychologist, musician, animal-lover, dollhouse miniaturist and sun enthusiast.

In life, as in the office, she is a straight shooter, a direct communicator and strongly insightful and empathic. You know where you stand with her in treatment—and she stands with you at the times you need her the most.

In addition to her expertise in trauma and EMDR, Cheryl works with adults on other problems in living, anxiety, women’s issues, boundaries, communication, and relationship difficulties.