We offer specialized services for clients of all ages: Adults, Teens, and Children

Depression and Anxiety 

Many of our clients come to us suffering from depression, manic-depression (Bipolar Disorder), or severe anxiety that has been unrecognized or untreated for years.  Our therapists know how to get to the root of the problem and can work closely with family members and other health care providers to help get you or your loved one out of misery and pain and back on their feet.  Constant worry, fear or compulsions can also seriously disrupt one’s life.  Our therapists can train you to deal with panic.  Once treatment is experienced, there is often an immediate decrease in some of the most uncomfortable symptoms. 

Here are some links that may be helpful to you:

Psychological and Physical Trauma 

Many of our clinicians offer expertise in trauma recovery, working with survivors of sexual, physical, and emotional abuse, neglect, and other traumatic experiences such as life-threatening illnesses.  With Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), transformation is not only possible but imperative in order for you to live the most fulfilling life.  Several of our counselors offer specialized services in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) which is considered by some to be state-of-the-art treatment in trauma recovery. 

Here are some links that may be helpful to you:

LGBTQ+ Assistance

  • Trans Lifeline – This line is primarily for transgender people experiencing a crisis. This includes people who may be struggling with their gender identity and are not sure that they are transgender. While our goal is to prevent self harm, we welcome the call of any transgender person in need. We will do our very best to connect them with services that can help them meet that need. If you are not sure whether you should call or not, then please call us. Hotline is staffed by the true experts on transgender experience, transgender people themselves. All volunteers are trans identified and educated in the range of difficulties transgender people experience.
  • The Trevor Project Hotline for LGBTQ Youth – Founded in 1998 by the creators of the Academy Award®-winning short film TREVOR, The Trevor Project is the leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning (LGBTQ) young people ages 13-24. The Trevor Project operates a phone lifeline, online chat, and text service.
  • National LGBTQ Hotline – The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) National Hotline provides telephone, online private one-to-one chat and email peer-support, as well as factual information and local resources for cities and towns across the United States. All services are free and confidential.
  • The Trevor Project – An organization geared towards ending suicide among LGBTQ+ young people. They offer crisis support, mental health education, and advocacy for LGBTQ+ youth. 
  • Equitas Health – LGBTQ+ affirming health care provider located in Dayton. Equitas offers both primary care and dentistry services.
  • Wexner Transgender Primary Care – OSU’s Transgender Primary Care clinic offers both primary care and transition-related care such as HRT, gender affirming surgery, vocal therapy, and much more.
  • Stonewall Columbus – An organization aiming to increase visibility, inclusion, and connection for the LGBTQ+ community. Not only do they provide education, resources, and events, but they also seek to promote LGBTQ-friendly businesses and organizations.
  • Greater Dayton LGBT Center – provides event spaces, activities, and resources that encourage advocacy, education, and entertainment among the gender and sexual minorities communities in the Dayton and Miami Valley area.
  • Gatlyn Dame Group – a Dayton organization raising awareness as well as providing education, support, and outlets for Transgender Persons and Non-Conforming Gender Identity Persons. 
  • Visible and Resilient in Community and Self – A youth informed sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression inclusive multi-generational prevention education services working to increase health equity for LGBTQ+ youth. Their Prevention Education crew provides curriculum taught in schools and communities virtually or in person.
  • PFLAG Dayton – A support group for families and friends of gays and lesbians in the Dayton area.
  • Extending the Branch – A nonprofit located in Bellefontaine that provides educational classes and support groups for members of the LGBTQIA+ community and their families.

Addiction Recovery

A significant number of our clients’ lives are disrupted by substance abuse and addiction.  We have counselors who specialize in recovery services and work closely with local rehabilitation centers.  We do not forget about the family members who are also suffering; we offer therapy for codependency and Adult Child of Alcoholics (ACOA) services as well. 

Here are some links that may be helpful to you:

Sober Curious

Consumption of alcoholic beverages is way up. There has never been a better time to be curious about the effects of alcohol consumption and the normalization of alcohol use in our society.

Annie Grace
Ruby Warrington
Jolene Park

Services for Children, Youth and Families

Our child and family therapists are expert at working with parent-child conflict as well as developmental delays, separation anxiety, disruptive and aggressive behavior as well as Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD).  We know how to help with the adjustment to divorce and can help divorcing partners work through these issues.  We also offer therapy for couples wishing to deepen their intimacy and broaden their communication skills. Our trained clinicians are expert at working with the special challenges that blended families face, and we have counselors who are especially adept with adoption and foster care challenges.  We offer services for eating disordered teens and those who cut themselves; we help families heal. 

Here are some links that may be helpful to you:
