Shane Harphant

Existing Clients with an Appointment:Click to Check In

Father, Husband, Social Worker, Artist, Pokémon fan, avid reader and life-long learner.

Shane is an avid movie-goer, he loves shopping for office supplies—especially pens! —and is a reader who also enjoys a good docu-series, true crime and the latest podcasts on YouTube, Tik Tok and Discord. 

Shane works with both children and adults. He is a fierce advocate and especially adept when working with victimization and trauma endured throughout the lifespan.

Mike LeMaster 

Existing Clients with an Appointment:Click to Check In

Husband, father, counselor, woodworker, self-proclaimed nerd.

Mike’s passion for making sense of the pain and sorrow in life, combined with a gentle spirit, makes him a capable and effective therapist. The importance of forgiveness is a focus in his work and faith is often discussed when desired.

Mike typically sees clients from 12 years of age into adulthood and he enjoys Couples/Family work, Anxiety, Depression/Bipolar, and Christian Counseling.